Retrieves the EDI mail item details imported into IPS via EMSEVT.
Access to this method is authorized by the Get EDI data operation.
You can use the API method in one of two ways.
If only a mail item ID is specified, all mail items with this ID will be returned. All events for the given mail item are returned (no matter when they were received)
Specify the origin country, destination country, from GMT date-time, to GMT date-time. Only the from GMT date-time parameter is mandatory.
For each mail item with an event captured within the specified time interval, the mail item will be returned in the response. Only events for the mail item which were captured within the time interval will be included.
If the country parameters are specified then the results will be filtered to only return data where the mail item matches the specified parameters.
If the combination of supplied parameters, or their values, is incorrect, then HTTP response 400 (Bad Request) is returned.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "EdiMailitems": [
- {
- "MailitemFid": "CP012374226FR",
- "MailitemCategoryCd": "A",
- "MailSubclassFcd": "UL",
- "DestinationCountryCd": "CN",
- "OriginCountryCd": "FR",
- "Weight": 0,
- "InsuredSdrValue": 0,
- "DestinationId": "21200015891152",
- "HandlingClass": "V",
- "OriginOperator": "COLIPOSTE",
- "ReceptacleFid": "string",
- "AssociatedServiceCd": "string",
- "EdiMailitemEvents": [
- {
- "EventTypeCd": "3",
- "SenderId": "FR001",
- "LocationId": "NLAMSA",
- "EventLocalDate": "2021-03-04T16:05:00",
- "CaptureGmtDate": "string",
- "ConditionCd": "30",
- "RetentionReasonCd": "50",
- "NonDeliveryReasonCd": "28",
- "NonDeliveryMeasureCd": "F",
- "SignatoryNm": "string",
- "DeliveryLocation": "string",
- "AccountNumber": "string",
- "SenderPostcode": "75100",
- "RecipientPostcode": "75100",
- "PlaceOfOriginOfficeCd": "string",
- "PlaceOfDestinationOfficeCd": "string",
- "DispatchNumber": "string",
- "DispatchOfficeCd": "string",
- "FlightNo": "string",
- "FlightDate": "string",
- "DutiableInd": "D",
- "CollectionPostcode": "75100",
- "DeliveryTypeCd": "str",
- "MailSourceCd": "301",
- "CustomsOfficeId": "string",
- "CustomsOfficeTypeCd": "R",
- "CustomsOfficerReleaseStatusCd": "ER",
- "AddresseeEmailAddress": "string",
- "AddresseeLanguage": "ENG",
- "AddresseeName": "string",
- "AddresseePhoneNo": "string",
- "AddresseeAlternativeDeliveryAddressCityTown": "EUPEN",
- "AddresseeAlternativeDeliveryAddresshouseId": "87",
- "AddresseeAlternativeDeliveryAddressLine1": "CHAMPS ELYSEES",
- "AddresseeAlternativeDeliveryAddressLine2": "ALICIA ZONE-Q45",
- "AddresseeAlternativeDeliveryAddressPostcode": "75100",
- "CodBic": "string",
- "CodCurrency": "EUR",
- "CodIban": "string",
- "CodAmount": "string",
- "ConsumerRegNumber": "ERC-458-23",
- "CustomerChargingArrangementCd": "DDP",
- "DeliveryPointAddressLine1": "CHAMPS ELYSEES",
- "DeliveryPointAddressLine2": "ALICIA ZONE-Q45",
- "DeliveryPointHouseId": "87",
- "ArrivalStatusCd": "200",
- "Exportflow": "T",
- "DeliveryServiceTypeCd": "str",
- "LodgementModeCd": "3",
- "NetworkEntryLocationTypeCd": "1",
- "NextPointId": "string",
- "Postcode": "string",
- "PickupPointId": "54PFJ-56732",
- "DeliveryMode": "1",
- "ReceptacleFid": "string",
- "SenderEmailAddress": "name1@domain1",
- "SenderPhoneNo": "string",
- "TransitDirectionCd": "101",
- "AttemptedDeliveryLocation": "string",
- "MailitmWeight": "string",
- "TransitOfficeCd": "string",
- "MrsStatusCd": "s",
- "MrsExpirationdate": "string",
- "MrsOriginalId": "string"
Retrieves the EDI mail dispatch, receptacle and mail item details imported into IPS via PREDES and RESDES messages.
Access to this method is authorized by the Get EDI data operation.
Retrieves the EDI mail item details imported into IPS via EMSEVT.
You can use the API method in one of two ways.
If only a dispatch ID is specified, messages for all dispatches with this ID will be returned (no matter when they were received).
Specify the operator, mail flow, from GMT date-time, to GMT date-time. Only the from GMT date-time parameter is mandatory.
If the combination of specified parameters, or their values, is incorrect, then HTTP response 400 (Bad Request) is returned with error code 2.
Parameter CreateEDIDupOthers
affects the storage of EDI dispatches and EDI receptacles. The default for this parameter is false
. Multiple PREDES messages for the same dispatch will be stored in the same EDI dispatch (with multiple events).
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "EdiDespatches": [
- {
- "DespatchFid": "DKCPHACHZRHBCUN10047",
- "DespatchClosingDate": "2021-03-05 04:33:00",
- "EdiDespatchEvents": [
- {
- "EventTypeCd": "204",
- "EventLocalDate": "2021-03-05 16:30:00",
- "CaptureGmtDate": "2021-03-12 11:11:03.207",
- "DespatchDate": "2021-03-05 16:30:00",
- "DespatchArrivalTime": "2021-03-06 09:00:00",
- "EdiFlights": [
- {
- "FlightFid": "SK 0609",
- "OrigPortCd": "CPH",
- "DestPortCd": "ZRH",
- "FlightDepartureTime": "2021-03-05 17:55:00",
- "FlightArrivalTime": "2021-03-05 19:35:00",
- "FlightOrderNo": 0,
- "CarrierCd": "SK",
- "CarrierNo": "0609",
- "TransportTypeCd": "PL"
], - "EdiReceptacles": [
- {
- "ReceptacleFid": "DKCPHPCHZRHUACN10066003000080",
- "MailSubclass": "CN",
- "ReceptacleContentFormatCd": null,
- "ReceptacleMailitemsNo": 2,
- "ReceptacleWeight": 8,
- "ReceptacleSubType": "BG",
- "NetWeightInd": "0",
- "ExemptInd": "0",
- "OtherCharacs": null,
- "EdiReceptacleEvents": [
- {
- "EventTypeCd": "107",
- "EventLocalDate": "2021-03-05 16:30:00",
- "CaptureGmtDate": "2021-03-12 11:11:03.207",
- "ConditionCd": null,
- "ReceptacleWeight": 8,
- "MailSubclass": "CN",
- "ReceptacleContentFormatCd": null,
- "ReceptacleSubTypeCd": "BG"
], - "EdiMailitems": [
- {
- "MailitemFid": "CP012374226FR",
- "MailSubclassFcd": "UL",
- "DestinationCountryCd": "CN",
- "Weight": "2.000",
- "InsuredSdrValue": "12.65",
- "HandlingClass": "V",
- "EdiMailitemEvents": [
- null
Retrieves the EDI consignment, dispatch and receptacle details imported into IPS via PRECON, RESCON, CARDIT and RESDIT messages.
Access to this method is authorized by the Get EDI data operation.
You can use the API method in one of two ways.
If only a consignment ID is specified, messages for all consignments with this ID will be returned (no matter when they were received).
Specify the operator, mail flow, from GMT date-time, to GMT date-time. Only the from GMT date-time parameter is mandatory.
If the combination of specified parameters, or their values, is incorrect, then HTTP response 400 (Bad Request) is returned with error code 2.
Parameter CreateEDIDupOthers
affects the storage of EDI consignments and EDI receptacles. The default for this parameter is false
. Multiple PRECON messages for the same dispatch will be stored in the same EDI dispatch (with multiple events).
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "EdiConsignments": [
- {
- "ConsignmentFid": "DKCPHP00001",
- "MailCategoryCd": "A",
- "ConsignmentClosingDate": "2021-03-05 17:55:00",
- "SenderId": "DK001",
- "EdiConsignmentEvents": [
- {
- "EventTypeCd": "303",
- "EventLocalDate": "2021-03-05 17:55:00",
- "CaptureGmtDate": "2021-03-12 11:11:03.207",
- "CarrierEventCd": 74,
- "CarrierEventReasonCd": null,
- "ConsignmentArrivalTime": "2021-03-05 17:55:00",
- "CarrierAddress": "LX001",
- "ConsignmentResponse": 1,
- "WayBillNumber": "string",
- "EdiFlights": [
- {
- "FlightFid": "SK 0609",
- "OrigPortCd": "CPH",
- "DestPortCd": "ZRH",
- "FlightDepartureTime": "2021-03-05 17:55:00",
- "FlightArrivalTime": "2021-03-05 19:35:00",
- "FlightOrderNo": 0,
- "CarrierCd": "SK",
- "CarrierNo": "0609",
- "TransportTypeCd": "PL"
], - "EdiReceptacles": [
- {
- "ReceptacleFid": "DKCPHPCHZRHUACN10066003000080",
- "MailSubclass": "CN",
- "ReceptacleContentFormatCd": null,
- "ReceptacleMailitemsNo": 2,
- "ReceptacleWeight": 8,
- "ReceptacleSubType": "BG",
- "NetWeightInd": "0",
- "ExemptInd": "0",
- "OtherCharacs": null,
- "EdiReceptacleEvents": [
- {
- "EventTypeCd": "107",
- "EventLocalDate": "2021-03-05 16:30:00",
- "CaptureGmtDate": "2021-03-12 11:11:03.207",
- "ConditionCd": null,
- "ReceptacleWeight": 8,
- "MailSubclass": "CN",
- "ReceptacleContentFormatCd": null,
- "ReceptacleSubTypeCd": "BG",
- "HandoverLocationCd": "CPH",
- "HandoverLocationName": "Copenhagen"
], - "EdiContainers": [
- {
- "ContainerFid": "string",
- "ContainerSealNumber": "string",
- "ContainerWeight": 0,
- "ContainerTypeCd": "strin",
- "JourneyId": "string",
- "EdiContainerEvents": [
- {
- "EventTypeCd": "108",
- "EventLocalDate": "2021-03-05 16:30:00",
- "CaptureGmtDate": "2021-03-12 11:11:03.207",
- "conditionCd": null