Imports consignment data with all associated receptacle and mail item information.
Access to this method is authorized by the Import consignments operation.
The API can import outbound receptacles. These must be closed and already exist in IPS.
The API can import receptacles in transit. These may or may not already exist in IPS.
The consignment update process is not supported. Consignments have to be manually reopened, modified and closed in IPS.
The following consignment and receptacle values in the IPS tables are automatically set by IPS during import:
The import of a consignment triggers the creation of:
In addition to the standard error codes described in Response codes, the IPS API returns a 404 error code for specific error cases, with additional error information as listed in the table below.
Code | Description |
1 | Mandatory data is missing from the consignment. |
2 | A property value in the request contains an invalid value or is in the wrong format. |
3 | Reference data not found. |
4 | The request contains inconsistent data. For example, if trying to send a receptacle to the wrong destination office. |
5 | No transport found for the consignment. |
6 | The route exists but is not compatible. |
7 | Data already exists in the database. |
8 | Failure storing the consignment. |
9 | The request body does not match the specified structure. |
10 | Unexpected error handled by the API. |
11 | Error returned from internal IPS business process. |
Bad Request
Not Found
Internal Server Error
{- "ConsignmentId": "PTLISL000002",
- "ConsignmentSealNumber": "string",
- "ConsignmentMailCategory": "s",
- "ConsignmentConveyanceType": "s",
- "ConsignmentDepartureDate": "2020-06-30 00:00",
- "ConsignmentEMSInd": "0",
- "ConsignmentRouteScheduleIdentifier": "8E98516B-1864-4B86-AB45-1CB92117D60D",
- "ConsignmentOriginOffice": "string",
- "ConsignmentDestinationOffice": "string",
- "ConsignmentComments": "string",
- "ConsignmentTransitOnlyInd": "0",
- "ConsignmentContainerId": "string",
- "ConsignmentPAWBNumber": "string",
- "Receptacles": [
- {
- "ReceptacleId": "CHZRHBNZAKLAAUN00001001100105",
- "ReceptacleInsertionDateTime": "2020-06-29T16:38:06+01:00"
{- "Consignment": {
- "consignmentId": "PTLISL000002",
- "RoutingInformation": [
- {
- "TransportType": "PL",
- "TransportCompanyCode": "LX",
- "TransportNumber": 123,
- "DepartureLocation": "CHZRH",
- "DepartureDT": "2020-10-08 21:15",
- "ArrivalLocation": "SGSIN",
- "ArrivalDT": "2020-10-09 06:20",
- "TransitOE": "SGSINA",
- "DocName": "CN38",
- "ObjectType": "CS",
- "ObjectID": "PTLISL000002",
- "DocData": "string"
Access to this method is authorized by the Import consignments operation.
Code | Description |
1 | General error. |
2 | Mandatory value not provided. |
3 | A property value in the request contains an invalid value or is in the wrong format. |
4 | Error in process of adding receptacle to transport. |
Bad Request
{- "TransportDetails": {
- "JourneyId": "J43PLAX0ABCN461408EH",
- "TransportCompanyCd": "0A",
- "TransportCompanyNumber": "0001",
- "TransportType": "PL",
- "CurrentOfficeFCd": "PLWAWA",
- "DestLocationFCd": "ESBCN",
- "OrigLocationFCd": "PLWAW",
- "DepartureTime": "12:30",
- "ArrivalTime": "17:15",
- "DepartureDate": "2024-05-19"
}, - "LoadingUnit": {
- "ContainerId": "XYZ123456789"
}, - "Receptacles": [
- {
- "ReceptacleFId": "CZPRGANLAMSAAUN40002900105000",
- "SecurityCheckBarcode": "00001-00001-20240603155743"
{- "Result": {
- "Receptacles": [
- {
- "ReceptacleFId": "string",
- "ConsignmentFId": "string"
], - "Documents": [
- {
- "Type": "string",
- "Base64Data": "string",
- "Format": "string"