Retrieves accounting forms data.
Access to this method is authorized by the Get accounting forms operation.
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{- "AccountingForms": [
- {
- "AccFormTypeCd": "CN55",
- "Year": 0,
- "MonthFrom": 0,
- "MonthTo": 0,
- "PeriodCd": "Q",
- "OperatorCd": "str",
- "OfficeFCd": "FRCGDA",
- "MailCategoryCd": "A",
- "ConveyanceTypeCd": "P",
- "MailFlow": "I",
- "PrintDate": "2019-11-21T19:46:12.250",
- "InAmount": 123.43,
- "OutAmount": 456.21,
- "Data": "string",
- "ProductTypeCd": "P",
- "SupplementNo": 0,
- "InAmountAccepted": 123.43,
- "OutAmountAccepted": 123.43,
- "ReasonForDiff": "string",
- "StateIndCd": 0,
- "OwnOfficeFCd": "FRCDGA",
- "RelatedOperatorCd": "str",
- "RelatedOfficeFCd": "FRCDGA",
- "AdditionalId": "string",
- "CurrencyCd": "CHF",
- "OriginalInAmount": 123.43,
- "OriginalOutAmount": 456.21,
- "OriginalCurrencyCd": "EUR",
- "InvoiceNo": "string",
- "ReferenceNo": "string",
- "Remarks": "string",
- "AdditionalCosts": "string",
- "UPUClearingState": 0,
- "DocumentArchiveId": "string",
- "AccountingAction": [
- {
- "AccountingActionTypeCd": "s",
- "PeriodCd": "Q",
- "OperatorCd": "str",
- "OfficeFCd": "FRCDGA",
- "Year": 2021,
- "MonthFrom": 4,
- "MonthTo": 6,
- "ExecDate": "2019-11-21T19:46:12.250",
- "StatusCd": 0,
- "RefNo": 0,
- "SupplementNo": 0,
- "OwnOfficeFCd": "FRCDGA"
], - "FormEvents": [
- {
- "EventTypeCd": 800,
- "EventGmtDt": "2019-11-21T19:46:12.250",
- "EventLocalOffset": 2,
- "UserPid": 1,
- "WorkstationPid": 3,
- "EventOfficeCd": 19,
- "CaptureGmtDate": "2019-11-21T19:46:12.250",
- "Comments": "string"
], - "FormStreams": [
- {
- "AccountingStreamTypeId": 101,
- "AdditionalId": 0,
- "NoItems": 21,
- "WeightGross": 45.321,
- "WeightNet": 42.761,
- "IPK": 12.223,
- "NoItemsAccepted": 19,
- "WeightGrossAccepted": 43.5,
- "WeightNetAccepted": 40.15,
- "IPKAccepted": 11.62,
- "ReasonForDiff": "string",
- "NoItemsOriginal": 23,
- "WeightGrossOriginal": 51.84,
- "WeightNetOriginal": 49.27,
- "IPKOriginal": 13.36